Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at Immanuel Lutheran serve the members of the congregation.

Immanuel Lutheran seeks candidates who are good communicators, are visionary, can effectively represent the concerns of the members and interested parties of the Congregation, have sufficient understanding of the ministry of Immanuel, understand and support the basic concepts of Policy Based Governance and are willing and able to support the Values, Mission & Vision of the congregation. 

The Board shall be composed of seven members consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and four members of the congregation.  Board members serve a two year term. 

For more information on the Board of Directors and their objectives, please review the Constitution & By Laws and/or Policy Governance Manual, or contact the Board President.

Board of Directors

Jeff Oltmann – President

Dave Koehler – Vice President 

Kathy Camarata– Secretary 

Bruce Clark

Cindy Grimm

Jason Hayes

Matt Natvig

